Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So my devotional is really good.  Although I can't do it everyday because of how hard it is to bring back things to my remembrance, this one that I just did was so good.  It talks about the pit of innocence, how I can end up in it before I even knew what hit me.  When this type of pit comes it can be very complicated to deal with emotional and spiritually.  The things in my life that have innocently thrown me into this pit are Abbott suffering from a mental illness,Abbott's disease, Abbott being a special needs child, and the death of a my baby Abbott. But God has reminded me of His faithfulness, that I need to trust Him and that He loves me. The truth does indeed set us free-truth about how difficult and painful certain chapters of our lives have been and truth about how God can and absolutely redeems those times.  I have been in a pit, and I cry out to God to get me out. I didn't deserve this one bit, just like Joseph didn't deserve to get thrown into the pit by his brothers.  But I remain to keep looking up, it is hard to be reminded that I no longer have Abbott in my arms.  Just last week was one of the most painful weeks I could have ever endured.  Last week was a mark that it has been exactly two years since Abbott was diagnosed and had his first brain surgery.  Little did I know at that time what kind of journey I was going to be traveling on.
Here we were holding on to Abbott, and now I can feel Heaven Holds me and I am in His hands. Even though my world has shaken Heaven stands.  These are a couple of lyrics from different songs and they are really getting me through this time without getting to hold Abbott.  I know that Abbott is my future and I will one day see him again.

1 comment:

Snuzi said...

Beautiful post. I keep you in my prayers always. And that picture is amazing. What a treasure.