Monday, September 14, 2009

Two Weeks remaining!!

So I really need to do this more.  I have been reading this other moms blog that has a son with the same type of cancer as Abbott and it has really got me thinking about how informed ya'll would be if I wrote more.  Well we only have two oweeks left of chemo every week and our radiation treatments will be over.  Yeah!! I am so excited since the colder months are just around the corner and we won't have to go to the clinic with all the sick kids to get weekly chemo.  TWO WEEKS. Abbott is doing good and playing nicely, still not eating anything.  I think he wants a bottle and he can only eat pudding thick foods.  At least he has fun playing in the food at dinner.
Things to pray for:
-Abbott has his clubfoot appt. on Wed. we hope the foot is still flexible since we don't put his shoes on anymore
-He has a ear nose and throat appt on Wed. we hope his vocal cords are healing nice enough maybe to give him a bottle
-On Thurs. an appt. with the surgeon to hopefully get the tummy button
-For all nausea to stop
-For high blood counts
-Cancer free