Well it sure has been a while since I have wrote anything. I really need to get on here more often, not just to let all of ya'll know more, but for me to keep myself in check. So here are the series of events over the last months. On May 14, 2009 our son Abbott ended up with a brain tumor in the back of his brain called the cerebellum. About a month before that Abbott started throwing up everyday a couple of times a day. I took him to 2 doctors a week. The first dr. was at urgent care and she told me I was over feeding him, then I followed up with my peditrician and he told me that Abbott was just severely teething. So a week went by and still throwing up and it was getting worse, everytime I laid him down or picked him up he would throw up. So then I took him to a nurse practioner and she told me that all the snot in Abbott's nose is running down his throat and making him sick, then a follow up with my dr. and now Abbott had a stomach virus and he should be felling better soon. So now on week 3 and not getting any better, we took Abbott to the ER and they ran every test they could think of, and decided that Abbott has severe acid reflux, they Rx some meds and told me to follow up with our dr. Casey and I were still not convincecd that this was the answer we had prayed for, going into our dr. Abbott crashed. His tiny big body just couldn't take it anymore and he finally showed the dr. what I had been seeing for weeks. He sent us to the hospital so that an upper GI could be done and Abbott could get hydrated. The next day all the tests came back perfect. He was about to send us home when Abbott threw up again, so a CT scan was orderd and at 11:00pm May 14, 2009 Casey and I found out the most horrific news any parent ever wants to hear. That our son of 11 months old has a brain tumor in the back of his brain. All I remember is screaming and crying so hard, and feeling such a deep pain. Finally after calling our Pastors, parents, and small group leaders Casey grabs my arm and tells me to be strong. I immediately stopped crying and knew that Abbott needed a strong mommy. At about 5:00am on the 15th Abbott and I were on a plane to Dallas with Casey and his mom shortly behind us. I remember not sleeping and feeling a huge weight on my shoulders. Finally arriving in Dallas and talking to our dear NA (Nurse Assistant) Lucy, that weight finally left. Lucy was a huge help she answered every question and let us know that Abbott was in good hands. Dr. Price was an amazing dr. to talk to and she told us that she had already performed 2 of these surgeries this week. So we waited a couple of days before surgery, and on the 18th brain surgery was performed on our sweet baby boy. Once again I handed him over to dr.s like I was handing him over to our church nursery. Sitting in the waiting room we had so much fun, you would have never though that we were waiting for an 11 month old to come out of brain surgery. Abbott was amazing he recovered
beautifully and was back to the 9th floor with Lucy and our new NA Bo who was also amazing still answering our questions. The 22nd Dr. Bowers the Oncologist came into tell me that Abbott has a rare tumor called AT/RT and that he will have to take chemo. I didn't get a lot of info from him and still seemed very confused, but life still went on we were getting Abbott back to being Abbott. On the 23rd Abbott had taken a turn for the worse and he ended up with an infection in his brain. I never thought that we would have to pray and speak life over our precious angel. In the course of that week being in ICU Abbott hit a normal milestone getting 4 top teeth at once. The good thing is that he had some good drugs for teething. The 28th Abbott had another CT scan and it showed that the infection doesn't want to leave so surgery was planned to take out his drain tube in his brain and replace it with a new one. I was so devestated, another surgery I thought I can't take it anymore. I remember Casey praying and our partners praying that God shows up to not allow Abbott to have another sugery, and HE did. Just 1 hour before surgery our dr. came in and told us that they are going to give Abbott and chance. That means that they will clamp the EVD (drain tube) and check pressures in the morning, if everything is great then we will have the tube taken out and not replaced. Just let his body drain the fluid like normal bodies do. And yeah pressures are perfect!! Then the 3rd of June Abbott went in to have his port put in place so that chemo could be administered perfectly. Well something happened and we had to go back into surgery to replace the port one centimeter. Is that not crazy!! Finally after the nurses taught Casey and I how to give Abbott shots, stick a feeding tube down, and give him all his meds we got to leave the hospital on June 6, 2009. We had to stay in Dallas for a couple of days and got to show Abbott around. The first night at the Perge's house was very emotional. Not only was I excited that our 22 day stay in the hospital was over, but that I now was Abbott's nurse and meds were to be given NOW, but that chapter is over and a new one begins.